Wednesday, 24 April 2013

I made that.

Build a Bear, your bear is worth more than any one other bear.

An interesting feature of building and making objects with your own hands is the value that you place upon these objects. Studies have shown that the satisfaction derived out of making an object oneself is out of all proportion to its objective qualities.

The Build a Bear company offers a fun experience for parents and kids who want to make a teddy bear with that personal touch. The family get to choose from a whole range of options on how to finish their bear and walk away with a toy that is special to them because of the time they have invested in the making of it.

If asked to evaluate 'their' bear alongside an almost identical bear, which could be bought off the shelf for a great deal less money, the family invariably place a much higher value upon the bear that they have made. The investment of one’s own time and effort seems to create a higher perceived value for the object created. This is therefore a much more expensive way of buying the bear but it also indicates how ingrained the sense of satisfaction is within us when we make things with our own hands.

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